澳门葡京网赌送彩金's art 历史 minor will introduce you to all things art — from 的 creative process to visual thinking. Rooted in experiential learning, you'll explore topics in 的ory, 道德, and practices of traditional and contemporary art.
Discover Fascinating 艺术历史
An exciting and key component of this program is that all art 历史 minors are required to participate in at least one travel experience. Explore one of 的 world's art and architecture meccas, like Florence, Rome, or Paris. Or participate in one of three annual field trips to regional and national destinations, 像明尼阿波利斯, 芝加哥, 和纽约市. 艺术 历史 students may also choose to study at Istituto Lorenzo de' Medici (LdM) in 的 heart of Tuscany, one of Italy's most distinctive and well-established study abroad programs. 在那里, you'll have 的 opportunity to see original works of art and walk through 的 geographic heart of art 历史.
The majority of 的 minor is made up of course electives, giving you 的 ability to personalize your education and study 的 topics that interest you. Many 澳门葡京网赌送彩金 students choose to pair this minor with a major in journalism, 英语, 历史, 或者文化研究.
辅修艺术史, most of your courses will be made up of electives, allowing you to explore 的 specific topics within art that best align with your career goals. Combined with your required travel experience — which can be abroad or within 的 U.S. — your courses will help you understand 的 methodologies used by art historians to interpret 的 impact and historical context of works of art.
Here are a few courses in 艺术历史 at UW-欧克莱尔.
Global 艺术历史 to 1400
An introduction to 的 fundamental concepts of art 历史 through a representative group of artworks created in ancient and medieval contexts around 的 world.
Global 艺术历史 Since 1400
An introduction to 的 fundamental concepts of art 历史 through a representative group of artworks created between 1400 and 的 present day around 的 world.
A study of art created during 的 Inka Empire and 的 early Spanish Empire in western South America.
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